「G a ge」と「G au ge」 どちらを使いますか?

・ここは正邪を問題にするページではありません。 (2007/07)



・【ひずみゲージ】:strain gageは機能的には単なる抵抗素子ですが






Gage Gauge  検 討 対 象 
  共和電業社のひずみゲージ 1949~
  東京測器社のひずみゲージ 1954~
  昭和測器社のひずみゲージ 1962~
  [LONGMAN Active Study Dictionary(3rd edt.)]
1.an instrument that measures the amount or size of something: a fuel gage
2.a standard that you use to decide what a situation is like: Money is not the only gauge of success.
3.the thickness of something such as a piece of metal
  [WEBSTER'S New World Dictionary(1971)]
1.a measure; standard measure or scale of measurement.
2.dimensions; capacity; extent.
3.any device for measuring something: as, a pressure gauge, wire gauge, etc.
4.any means of estimating.
5.the distance between the two rails of a railway(standard gauge is 56.5 inches) or between parallel wheels on a vehicle.
6.the size of the bore of a shotgun as determined by the number per pound of spherical projectiles fitting the bore.
1.to measure accurately by means of a gauge.
2.to measure the size, amount, or capacity of.
3.to estimate; judge.
4.to make conform with a standard.
1万件 14万件 Google検索  [strain gage] vs [strain gauge]
50万件 151万件 Yahoo検索  [strain gage] vs [strain gauge]
  gauge Wikipedia ひずみゲージ
2390件 1290件 米国NASAのホームページ検索 [strain gage] vs [strain gauge]   米国では「gage」がよく使われる。
━━ n. 標準寸法, 規格; (散弾銃の)ゲージ, 口径値; 定規; 計器, ゲージ; (レールの)軌間; 標準, 尺度; (風と他船に対する)関係位置; 範囲.
・take the gauge of …を測る, 評価する.
━━ vt. 測定する; 判定[判断]する; 評価する.
  [Yahoo辞書(プログレッシブ英和中辞典:JapanKnowledge) ]
1 計器, 計測器, ゲージ    ・ a temperature gauge 温度計.
2 標準寸法, 規格, (評価・判断などの)基準, 尺度.
3 容積, 容量, 範囲, 限度.
4 (ショットガンの)番径 a 12-gauge shotgun 12番径の猟銃.
5 《鉄道》(レールの)軌間 the standard gauge 標準軌(4フィート8インチ=1.435メートル).
6 ゲージ:針金・ねじなどの太さ, 金属板の厚さなど.
7 ホイールゲージ:(自動車などの)左右の車輪間の距離.
8 (風による)他船舶との位置関係.
9《印》ゲージ:組版の寸法などを定めるもの. take the gauge of ...…を計る, 評価する.
1 …の寸法・量などを(正確に)測定する, 測る
・ gauge the rainfall 雨量を測る
・ gauge the thickness of the pipe 管の厚みを測る.
2 〈人・行動などを〉評価[判断]する.
3 〈物などを〉標準(の寸法)に合わせる, 修正する.
初期からgaugeとgageの2通りのつづりがあり, ((英))ではgaugeが, ((米))ではgageが定着した.

GAGE GAUGE 米国ワイオミング州立大学でもGageとGaugeの疑問が語られています。
→  http://asuwlink.uwyo.edu/~metal/gage.html★(リンク消滅:2016-03)
→  http://www.angelfire.com/hi5/tech_editor/gage_uge.pdf
What does "gage" (or "gauge") mean?
Dictionaries (at least in the US) seem to consider "gage" to be an alternate spelling of "gauge".
But common usage suggests "gage" refers to sheet metal thickness, gage blocks, and most concrete measurement systems and devices.
"Gauge" seems to refer to pressure gauges and level gauges.
Comparing Machinery's Ready Reference, Machinery's Handbook, and the MSC catalog, there is no agreement on "wire gage" versus "wire gauge".
 Time seems to have corrupted any clear distinction, and things are most likely different in England and other places.
So my particular preference is to only use "gauge" for devices that measure more abstract things like pressure and level.
Gage: An arbitrary assignment of numbers to size, used on sheet, wire, and many other things (tubing, shotgun bore, needles, and so on). Unfortunately there are so many different standards that using gage to specify a material is almost useless, and perhaps even dangerous. If in doubt, use decimals.
 For example, in U.S. gage, the standard for sheet metal is based on the weight of the metal, not on the thickness. 16-gage is listed as approximately .0625 inch thick and 40 ounces per square foot (the original standard was based on wrought iron at .2778 pounds per cubic inch; steel has almost entirely superseded wrought iron for sheet use, at .2833 pounds per cubic inch). Smaller numbers refer to greater thickness. There is no formula for converting gage to thickness or weight.
 Wire might be specified in American or Browne & Sharpe, Birmingham or Stubs, Washburn & Moen, Trenton Iron Co., Stubs' Steel, Imperial Wire gage, music wire gauge, or others.
In the US, I've commonly seen electrical wire in AWG (American Wire Gauge); even-numbered values are much more common than odd ones. As an example, 12-gauge wire is .081" (AWG), .109" (Birmingham or Stubs), .105" (Washburn & Moen), .028" (music wire gauge). In most cases a larger gauge means smaller wire, except music wire goes the other way around!
If you need specific values for specific gages, many are listed in various references such as Machinery's Handbook.
On September 20, 1994, Rowland Carson posted a nice list of most of the gauge systems in use worldwide:
gage   経済界では、「担保物件」「抵当物件」などの用語に使われている。 mortgage
  gauge 物理学の「ゲージ理論」 